Marbury vs Madison
Job appointment that was never delivered. Gov has too much power and Constitution was flawed. Not democratic. Was controversial. Court had too much power overrode everyone. Judicial Restraint. -
Plessy vs Ferguson
Racial segregation on railroads. Public supported decision. Undemocratic . No. Court sided with public opinion. Judicial restraint -
Roe vs Wade
Abortion. 54% yes and 46% no. Not democratic. Yes it was controversional. People viewed it as murder. Judicial Activism. -
Obergefell vs hodges
Same-sex marriage. 60% yes 40% no. No. Yes. Affects traditional marriages. Judicial activism -
Brown vs board of education
Case about racial segregation in schools. Many against but opinions slowly turning. Believed to be democratic. Yes. Was a huge case changing race relations. Judicial activism