Period: to
BEIC is entering...
Created in 1600
Enters Mughal Empire and establishes factory under Jahangir in Surat in 1612
Traded in textiles, opium, and silk
Sepoy Rebellion against BEIC in 1857 leaves Delhi destroyed and many sepoys were executed
Tolerance of religion, Britain had to control India now
Continues: Source of raw materials- agriculture, jute, COTTON (for their own textile industry), sugar, tea, coffee, wheat, OPIUM (grown in India, sold to China)- sell finished goods back -
Period: to
Focus on reason and rationality, SciR+PrRef
1751:Diderot publishes the first volume of Encyclopedie
Voltaire: French, radical: Rule by the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, the people create their laws based on majority and must follow them, more dangerous (will of the people is subjective and changes)
Hobbes: Leviathan-complete rule is necessary, people=greed
Locke: Life, liberty, and property. There is a social contract that protects the rights of the people, and they can rebel if the rights are not held up -
Period: to
7 Years' War
Britain and the colonists fight France and the Native Americans -
Colonization of India Begins: Battle of Plassey
Period: to
First Industrial Revolution in Britain (1760-1840ish)
Mechanization, mass production ( ie. cotton industry), child labor, factories, urbanization, spinning jenny (1764), water frame by Richard Arkwright (1785), Samuel Crompton's water mule (1830s) Textile mills powered by STEAM ENGINE: Energy released by burning fuel=motion
Iron industry for tools, weapons, household items
Leads to Steamboat- faster communication and travel
Telegraph wires allow messages to be spread by the minute, not the days/months
Tenements, child labor -
Period: to
American Revolution - Before and After (1764-1787)
1763: End of French and Indian War - puts France in debt
1764: Revenue Act
1765: Stamp Act
1773: Tea Act
1776: Beginning of the Revolution
1777: French join
1781: Yorktown
1783: Treaty of Paris
1787: Constitutional Convention (determining how America would be governed) -
Period: to
BEIC Rules India
Joint-stock company
1857: Sepoy Rebellion because had to use ammunition made with cow and pork, not respecting Hindu and Muslim traditions, BEIC lost control and it was handed over to England. -
Period: to
French Revolution (1789-1799)
1789: Estates General meeting
1789: National Assembly created (June 17) ,Declaration of the Rights of Man (August), Storming of the Bastille (July 14), October March on Versailles (5-6).
1793: Jacobins take power with Maximilien Robespierre, Committee of Public Safety, Reign of Terror begins with King Louis XVI's execution
1799: Napoleon, a member of the Directory established in '95, takes power as the First Consul -
Vindication of the Rights of Women
Mary Wollstonecraft begins the feminist movement -
Period: to
Haitian Revolution (1799-1804)
Inspired by enlightenment ideals and FR.
1801: Pierre Toussaint L'Ourverture leads the slave revolt against French troops, with yellow fever on their side
1804: Jaques Dessalines delcares independence -
Period: to
Napoleon (1799-1815)
1799: Napoleon takes control and establishes himself as First Consul (four constitutions later)
1804: Napoleon declares himself emperor, Napoleonic Codes instituted with Roman patriarchal values and enlightenment ideals, educational reforms, public infrastructure
1812: Marches to Russia after conquering Prussia and Austria (HRE) fails, and is exiled to Elba
1813: He returns, loses at Waterloo, dies on St. Helena in exile
1815: Congress of Vienna to rebuild Europe after death of Napoleon -
Period: to
Latin American Independence (1810s-1820s)
1811: Bolivar-Venezuela
1814: Jose de San Martin-Argentina
1815: Bolivar's "Letter from Jamaica" encourages states to declare independence in South America
1819: Bolivar-Gran Colombia (modern-day Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela)
1821: Mexico (Hidalgo and Morelos), Treaty of Cordoba
1822: Prince Pedro-Brazil -
British abolish slavery!
Jamaica, Barbados, British Guiana -
Period: to
Tanzimat Reforms in Ottoman Empire
Trying to modernize like Europe, Abdulmecid I and Abdulaziz
Get rid of tax farming, rights for all, regardless of religion
Adopt French military dress and education - Fez is European war hat, without brim so that Muslims can bow for prayer
New secular school system (trying to accept all religions, not just Islam)
Prussian conscript system (dev. 1807-1813) for army - draft of eligible men, became common in Europe as well -
Period: to
First Opium War
FOW: 1839-1842
1) Britain have opium from India
2) China=addicted, Chinese trade imbalance with British
3) Smugglers bring opium into China for more profit- collapse of the Canton System (1757-1842, now Guangzhou)
4)Chinese gov destroys opium chests in Canton: 1839
5) British forces occupy Canton and attack ports with superior navy: 1841
6) August 1842: capture Nanjing, Treaty of Nanjing gives Britain more ports of entry- FIVE ports
Massive change from Chinese isolationism, superiority -
Period: to
Taiping Rebellion
Our boi Hong Xiaquan, "brother of Jesus", rebels against the Qing government- he fails the Confucian exam four times and wants change, thinks that Confucianism is wrong - created his own version of Christianity - writing, ancestor worship, Christianity is all appealing to the Chinese
The Qing, westerners, and Taiping all converge on Nanjing, slaughtered, rebellion ends in 1864 -
Emancipation of Serfs in Russia
Big change in APWH from P4 with land empires, feudalism, subject to boyars, etc.
Supposed to be a change to invigorate the country after the loss of the Crimean wars, but hierarchy mostly stayed the same still on farms and uneducated, like how slaves stayed on plantations after emancipation because they didn't now where else to go -
US South abolishes slavery in the Emancipation Proclamation
Period: to
Meiji Restoration
Tokugawa Shogunate was VERY isolationist- no foreigners or trade in the 1600s... but need to industrialize to become a strong power- see the positive effects in Europe- they slapped China in the Opium Wars (1839-1841)
Matthew Perry: 1854, unequal treaty (like China/Brit)
Japanese industrialize, makes them into a world power (wins against China for Korea in 1894, wins the Ruso (their fleet was in the Baltics) Japanese war in 1904-1905 to control Manchuria and Korea- they want COAL) -
Period: to
Second Industrial Revolution (USA, Britain, Germany primarily)
Wealth for USA and global power
Humans controlling, not being controlled by, the environment - started out with fire, migratory routes, lack of resources (#imperialism)
Steel: machines, bridges, ships
Electricity: everyday- streetcar, subway, safer working conditions increase production, do stuff in the dark!
Dynamite: Building railroads, westward expansion, weapons
Chemical dyes: used in clothing, commercial appeal, cheaper than natural dyes
Cars: oil, internal combustion engine (early 1900s) -
Period: to
Dividing of Africa for European nations like Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spanish, and Portuguese - Italy originally wanted Ethiopia because of national prestige, needed to keep up, defeated at Adowa in 1896 (also had gold)