Period 4 Timeline

  • Lousiana Purchase

    The Lousiana Purchase was when America Purchased Lousiana territory from the French. This sparked a lot of conflict in America due to many people questioning why President Jefferson would want to Purchase this land.
    Jefferson had many reasons for wanting this land, such as expanding America, future protection for the country, and prosperity in Unknown lands. However there were many Native Americans occupying this land previously.
  • Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act was passed in 807 by President Jefferson, this act prohibited American ships to trade at Foreign ports.
    Effects on American shipping and markets: Agricultural prices and earnings fell. Shipping-related industries were devastated.
  • Nonintercourse act

    This Act lifted all embargoes on American shipping except for those bound for British or French ports.
    It’s intent was to damage the economies of France and the United kingdom, it was very ineffective like the Embargo Act and eventually led to the War of 1812
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    The War of 1812 was fought over violations of maritime rights, it lasted for 3 years starting on Jun 18, 1812- Feb 18,1814.
    The war was fought between American, United Kingdom, and Ireland, along with allies from each country and ended with the treaty of Ghent.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The treaty of Ghent was what ended the war of 1812 after 3 years. Both parties signed the treaty on December 24, 1814.
    The United States received 10,000,000 acres of territory near near Lakes Superior and Michigan and in Maine due to the treaty of Ghent
  • Panic of 1819

    The Panic of 1819 was the first Financial crisis of the United states. Its considered the first Great Depression by historians
    The struggles of the Panic of 1819 lead to the general collapse of the American economy in 1821