Period 4

  • Thomas Jefferson Elected President

    Thomas Jefferson Elected President
    Jefferson wold become the third president elected
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Land deal between the US and France wich the US would gain land west of the MIssissippi
  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    establishe the pricible of judicial review
  • Beginning of Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark would explore the Louisian purchase
  • Embargo Act

    Embargo Act
    An Act that probited ships from trading in forghin ports
  • Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

    Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
    A Brittish ship attempted to confront fur deserters of a naval ship one of wich would be hung after being tried for desrtation
  • James Madison Elected President

    James Madison Elected President
    James Madison became the 4th President of the US
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    lifted all embargos on the shipexcep for ones heading for France or Britain.
  • Death of Tecumseh

    Death of Tecumseh
    was an inidian chief killed in action
  • The British Burn Washington DC

    The British Burn Washington DC
    The Brttish burned down the new capital.
  • Harford Convention

    Harford Convention
    New Englad federalist meet to discussgrivences concering th ar of 1812
  • End of the War of 1812

    End of the War of 1812
    Was a war between the US and Great Britain over Brittish violations.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Was a fight right after the war of 1812 was officaly sighend off but word had not spread yet o the brittish tried to attak but Adams and is mean would fight them off and force the Brittish back into Canada
  • Treaty of Ghent Ratified

    Treaty of Ghent Ratified
    WAs a peace agrement between the US and the brittish in belgium
  • Rush-Bagot Treaty

    Rush-Bagot Treaty
    Agrement between the USA and Great Britten to remove fleetsfrom the Great Lakes
  • James Monroe Elected President

    James Monroe Elected President
    James MOnroe would become the US fith president in the election of 1817
  • Anglo-American Convention

    Anglo-American Convention
    was a meeting help between Monroe administartion and the brittish concerning boundry issues.
  • Adams-Onis Treaty

    Adams-Onis Treaty
    Treaty between the United states and Spain The would grant US The rights to Florida defining the boundry between the US and Spain
  • Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt

    Denmark Vesey Slave Revolt
    Vesey plotted a secret slave rebellion however the rebellin
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    James Monroe articulated the new policy on the new political order that was becoming a thing in the rest of the US.