period 3 timeline

  • Period: Nov 8, 600 to Nov 9, 1450

    period 3

  • Nov 8, 610

    middle east: Muhammad gets a vision from Allah

    This is important because it is the start of the Islamic faith and would later lead to vast empires across the middle east and many new cultural ideas
  • Nov 8, 618

    East Asia: tang dynasty is created

    this is the begging of a dynasty that creates multiple technological advances and helps the spread of Buddhism.They also increased contact with japan that opened up trade.
  • Nov 8, 656

    middle east: Muslim civil war breaks out

    this civil war is a fight over who gets power over the Muslims after Muhammad dies whether his son in law or his cousin gets control this splits the Muslims in to two groups ( the Sunni and the shiquite)
  • Nov 8, 750

    west africa: ghana empire created

    this is significant because the empire is a apart of the silk road and has a lot of spices and it has salt that can be traded. It will be a part of the trans Saharan trade routes in north west Africa.
  • Nov 8, 755

    middle east: Umayyad state in Spain is established

    this is an important because this is a major for the Muslim empire and it being a mostly Christian state will spread Islam and also will give them more tax payer dollars that will make them a richer nation
  • Nov 8, 800

    east africa: trans Saharan trade route is established

    this will provide many people from Europe and Asia with things like gold and salt and it helps the spread of Buddhism and Hinduism through out Africa a long with other cultures being spread aswell.
  • Nov 8, 980

    Europe: Vladimir makes Russia orthodox

    this is a big spread for the eastern orthodox Christianity and will set up russia to be one of the biggest place to practice eastern Orthodox, Vladimir picked this religion out of a couple different ones to choose from
  • Nov 8, 1076

    west africa: ghana empire ends

    this is a big down fall for the people of Ghana and the source that people use for the money they make is with trade so since the empire broke up they cant trade as easily.
  • Nov 8, 1095

    Europe: the first Crusades

    this is important because it starts religious wars and also destroys some the Muslim empires leaving some places to become individual city states again and also it spreads Christianity
  • Nov 8, 1099

    middle east: Crusades capture Jerusalem

    this is a big blow for the Muslims because Jerusalem is a big religious center for them and they also lost many peoples lives in the process of fighting to keep the land
  • Nov 8, 1120

    east Asia:the Jurchens conquer northern china

    this is important because this is the start of the southern song dynasty which in its time created many technological advances like the compass and wood block printing and more advanced boats
  • Nov 8, 1204

    Europe: Constantinople is sacked by Muslims

    this is the center of the roman empire and Muslims sacking it was a huge blow to their economy it also helped the spread of Islam and contributed to the fall of the byzantine empire.
  • Nov 8, 1206

    south Asia: Delhi sultanate founded in India

    this unified this northern part of India and spread Hinduism which was the minority at this point in time it also is involved with Indian sea trade and traded spices and cotton textiles.
  • Nov 8, 1230

    west Africa: mali empire founded

    this is important because the empire was started by Sundiata and since he was Muslim, spread Islam through out Africa and he made many pilgrimages to mecca.
  • Nov 8, 1270

    east Africa: Solomonic dynasty

    this was an important empire because it helped spread Islam in Africa and it kicked Christianity out of the state and it also was big in trade and the mixing of ideas an cultures.
  • Nov 8, 1271

    east Asia: mongols capture china

    this is super important because the mongols were trying to get china under their rule for years and the now they had it. they didnt conform to Chinese culture and helped protect the silk road from invaders.
  • Nov 8, 1298

    south Asia: Delhi Sultanate adds on to the system of government (Gujarat)

    this is important because its adding on to their law, most likely on the laws of Hinduism because that is what was widely practiced during that empire time period.
  • Nov 8, 1324

    west Africa: Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to mecca

    this was important because when he takes this pilgrimages her brings back ideas and different cultures and spreads them to Africa, so this was a key in spreading Islam and new Islamic technologies and ideas.
  • Nov 8, 1330

    east Africa: Ibn Battuta travels to swahili

    this is important because Battuta describes Swahili as one of the most beautiful places he has ever seen, and since he is a well known traveler it could potentially bring in more travelers
  • Nov 8, 1331

    east Asia: black plague reaches china

    this had a big impact of the population. the disease was spread by the silk road and was deadly to basically anyone who got it, luckily some of china was not affected at all.
  • Nov 8, 1347

    Europe: the black plague at its height

    the population in Europe went down by 1/3 and it lastly for a long time and then was spread in trade routes like the Indian ocean sea trade and the silk road. Healthy workers were in high demand.
  • Nov 9, 1350

    Europe: the silk road was on its decline

    due to multiple invasions of the silk road and the mongols not protecting it anymore the silk road was on a decline to not being used anymore. sea traded was less expensive and easier.
  • Nov 9, 1368

    east Asia: mongols were forced out of china

    this is important because this effects how the mongols conquer the rest of their empire. some mongols stayed and became a part of chinese culture.
  • Nov 9, 1398

    south Asia; Timur sacks Delhi

    this is important because the empire was left in disarray and was a big blow to the economy because many trade good and lives were destroyed in the mass destruction of it all.
  • Nov 9, 1398

    south Asia: Delhi sultanate starts to decline

    right after Timur sacks them the empire starts to decline because now their economy is in shamble and hey unfortunately don't come back from the destruction the the Timur created.
  • Nov 9, 1400

    east Africa: Zimbabwe is at its peak with trade

    this is important because gold salt and other spices were being trade to other countries and it was a big economy boost for Africa and also many technological advances were spread to Africa
  • Nov 9, 1400

    south Asia: port Malacca was founded

    this helps with the trade in India even though the Delhi is on a decline, this helps bring in new technologies and cultures and ideas. It makes trade easier and cheaper.
  • Nov 9, 1400

    east Africa: a large amount of gold was found in Zimbabwe

    large amounts of gold is found. this is important because they can now trade with other countries and empires to get new technologies and religions. its helps Zimbabwe to reach is height.
  • Nov 9, 1433

    west Africa: Mali empire declines

    the declines were due to the internal conflicts in the government and also attacks from outsiders, its important because Africa is fragmented and the individual groups of people will make tribes again