Period 3 APWH

  • 570

    Muhammad is born

    Region: middle east
    PERSIA: religion
    While 570 isn't in 600, his life continued into the 600's and I think it captures the start of Period 3 in the Middle East best. If Muhammad wasn't born, Islam wouldn't have been founded which is a major universal religion in which Muslims believe that there is one God, Allah.
  • Nov 8, 610

    Beginning of Islam in Ghana

    Region: west africa
    PERSIA: religion Islam started off in Mecca and Medina, and spread from the middle east to places like Ghana in West Africa. This event shows how far Islam began to spread,
  • Nov 8, 618

    Tang Empire is founded

    Region: east asia
    PERSIA: economic Tang roads, river transport, and canals facilitated a tremendous growth in trade and they exported far more than they imported.
  • Nov 8, 630

    Muslims attacked and conquered Mecca

    Region: middle east
    PERSIA: religion Mecca was the birthplace of Islam and since they had to flee from Mecca to Medina before, it was a great victory for the Muslims to regain control of where their religion began.
  • Nov 8, 632

    Muhammad dies

    Region: middle east
    PERSIA: religion After Muhammad dies, there's conflict between groups of people who believe different things about the position of the caliph which causes wars and the formation of caliphates.
  • Nov 8, 700

    Beginning of Swahili Civilization

    Region: east africa
    PERSIA: economic The Swahili cities were famous as exporters of gold that was around the inland kingdom and they played a major role in the Indian Oean Trade Route.
  • Nov 8, 750

    Abbasids take over from Umayyads

    Region: middle east
    PERSIA: religion The Abbasids provided renewed religious leadership, which they combined withe styles of rulership and royal ceremony that came from the Sasanids.
  • Nov 8, 830

    Kingdom of Ghana is founded

    Region: west africa
    PERSIA: economic The Kingdom of Ghana was significant because it was the world's largest gold supplier and trade was driven by luxury goods.
  • Nov 8, 960

    Founding of Song Empire

    Region: east asia
    PERSIA: Intellectual/arts China reunites under the Song and becomes the most advanced society in the world at the time. New inventions like gunpowder, the junk, and fireworks helped advance their military and navy.
  • Nov 8, 1000

    Bantu migration

    Region: east africa
    PERSIA: area/geography The Bantu migration was a massive migration of Africans and was the most important human migration that occurred since the first human ancestors left Africa.
  • Nov 8, 1054

    Great Schism in Christian Church

    Region: europe
    PERSIA: religion The schism separated the church in the Western Catholic and Eastern Orthodox which led to other conflicts in the church.
  • Nov 8, 1066

    Norman Conquest of England

    Region: europe
    PERSIA: political The Norman conquest linked England more closely with Continental Europe, made Scandinavian influence less important, created one of the most powerful monarchies in Europe, and changed the English language and culture.
  • Nov 8, 1076

    End of Kingdom of Ghana

    Region: west africa
    PERSIA: economic The end of the Kingdom of Ghana was the end to the world's largest gold supplier which made room for other suppliers.
  • Nov 8, 1095

    First Crusade

    Region: europe
    PERSIA: Political The crusades were between the Christians and the Muslims. The Christians wanted to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims.
  • Nov 8, 1200

    Start of Kingdom of Mali

    Region: west africa
    PERSIA: economy Timbuktu was established in Mali and became a big supplier of salt which was traded and helped boost the economy and cause it to flourish.
  • Nov 8, 1200

    Indian Ocean trade began to increase

    Region: south asia
    PERSIA: economic With advancements in technology, sea trade increased because they were able to withstand monsoons and had better compasses to guide them. The IOTR became less expensive.
  • Nov 8, 1206

    Mongol Empire is formed

    Region: east asia
    PERSIA: area/geography // political The formation of the Mongol Empire was a significant event because it became one of the largest and most powerful empires in history. Using brutal force, they conquered places one by one.
  • Nov 8, 1206

    Delhi Sultanate

    Region: south asia
    PERSIA: political The Delhi Sultans ruled by terror and were a burden on their subjects. The sultanate carried out a policy of aggressive territorial expansion.
  • Nov 8, 1218

    Mongols conquer Persia

    Region: south asia
    PERSIA: political When the Mongols conquered Persia, they adopted the Persian system of government. Their rule in Persia was a disaster.
  • Nov 8, 1250

    Beginning of Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe

    Region: east africa
    PERSIA: economy The Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe was a significant city because of its participation in the Indian Ocean Trade Route along Africa's east coast.
  • Nov 8, 1258

    Abbasids fell to Mongols

    Region: middle east
    PERSIA: political This event was significant because the Abbasids lasted a long time and it showed the power of the Mongols.
  • Nov 8, 1271

    Mongols reunite China for the last time

    Region: east asia
    PERSIA: political This event is significant because it shows that the Mongols didn't destroy and rebuild China, but instead reunited it for the last time in history.
  • Period: Nov 8, 1271 to Nov 8, 1295

    Marco Polo's Travels

    Region: europe
    PERSIA: area//geography Marco Polo traveled from Europe to China providing valuable information and inspired other explorers. Europe is influenced by China with religion and technology like the wheelbarrow.
  • Nov 8, 1333

    Ibn Battuta reaches India

    Region: south asia
    PERSIA: social He saw that there were 4 classifications with respect to the division of families and promiscuous marriage between relations were not allowed.
  • Period: Nov 8, 1347 to Nov 8, 1348

    Bubonic Plague

    Region: europe
    PERSIA: area/geography The Bubonic Plague estimated to have killed 75 to 200 million and peaked in Europe. It traveled along the silk road carried along by rats on the merchant ships.
  • Nov 8, 1350

    End of Swahili Civilization

    Region: east africa
    PERSIA: social The people in the Swahili Civilization were very unique with their language and the civilization as a whole was advanced and unique. It lasted for over 600 years before it finally ended.
  • Nov 8, 1354

    Ibn Battuta visits Mali

    Region: west africa
    PERSIA: society In Mali, the people treated him with many luxurious goods and the women there were shown more respect than the men.
  • Nov 8, 1368

    Mongol Empire ends

    Region: east asia
    PERSIA: political The ending of the Mongol Empire proved that even though empires can be large and flourish, it soon becomes hard to manage and begins to fall apart.
  • Nov 8, 1377

    Malacca is founded

    Region: south asia
    PERSIA: economy Malacca contained the Strait of Malacca which was one of the most important shipping lanes at the time.
  • Nov 8, 1450

    End of Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe

    Region: east africa
    PERSIA: economic While the Kingdom of Great Zimbabwe was known for it's vast supply of gold, it ran out which caused its end. This shows that having a civilization based on a single, luxurious resource, the society never had a solid foundation and could fall.