Time Period of 1600-1700

  • British and French settlements establish in North America

    This happens during the early 1600’s.
  • Elizabeth the 1st is ruler of England.

    It is during the William Shakespeare time period.
  • The first refracting telescope is invented by Hans Lippershey.

  • The Spanish Turkish War

    Spanned from 1610-1614
  • The Thirty Years War

    Spanned from 1618-1648
  • The first human powered submarine is built and ran by Cornelis Drebbel.

  • A way to transfuse blood is invented by Jean-Baptiste Denys.

  • The Taj Mahal is being built

  • The Civil War is fought.

    Charles I is tried and later executed because of this by the parliament members.
  • The Three English Civil War

    Spanned from 1642-1651
  • Otto van Guericke invents the air pump.

  • Issac Newton invents a reflecting telescope.

  • The first pressure cooker is invented by Denis Papin.

  • King Williams War

    This was one of a part of the Nine Year War. It spanned from 1688-1697
  • The Declaration of Rights is passed.

    Parliament becomes stronger and the rights of the people are protected.
  • The Age of Enlightment in Europe happens.

    Religion is questioned and science is thought to be able to fix many problems.