Running Away
Ellyssa was running away from her creator because he had a plan that he was going to get rid of her and have a new model, replacing her. -
On the Train
Ellyssa herd a voice in her mind after passing a weird man getting captured. The voice was telling her to go to Kansas City, so she went on a train the next mornig. -
The Jump
Ellyssa felt thretened when she found out that the people who were working at the center were waiting for her at the next stop. Ellyssa jumped off of the moving train so she did n ot get captured. -
Ellyssa finds an abandoned store and goes to sleep there. The Renegades find her at the store sleeping. -
The Renegades take her from the store and bring her to their cave where all of the other rebegades are. -
One of the people from the center find Rein, and they take him tpo the center, where he will stay locked up. The people who work at The center will ask him quesions about yhe other renegades. -
After Ellyssa found out that Rein was captured she and Woody went to go look for him. They took explosives with them so they could blow up The Center. -
Ellyssa and Woody make it to the center, and set up the bombs. They continue to look for Rein and find him in a dark room, the room began to over fill with joy. -
Ellyssa and Rein make it out just before the bombs go off. Woody was left behind because at the last few seconds one of the people who work at The Center grab his hand. Ellyssa and Rein Jumped out of the window.