Ella Gets Purchased
The kennel has a day where the girls are looked at and show one of their talents in order to be purchased by someone. Ela shows how she plays the piano and she gets purchased by a man -
Penn Gives Ella A Kiss
Ella is sitting near the pool and pen comes up, sits next to her and tells her not to leave. Ella brings up the topic of Penn and the girl last night. she doesn't know what kissing is os Penn gives Ella a kiss. -
Penn brings Ella to his room
After seeing Ella play the piano Penn asks her if she wants to come to his room to listen to more of his music. -
Secret Garden
Ella and Penn are at a party and they sneak away to this secret garden only Penn knows about. While they are there they dance and talk. -
The neighbor drives up and asked Ella to get something out of her car but instead closes the door on her and drives away with her trapped in the car with no way out. -
Banana Split Incident
Penn makes Ella one of his famous banana splits and they go to his room to listen to music but they tackle each other to eat a big spoonful of ice cream. -
Ella and Penn go to the secret garden and he tells her to get into the pond, she doesnt know how to float so she isnt sure. Penn tells her he will not let anything happen to her so she gets in. He teaches her how to float. -
Ella tries to run away
When Ella hears Penn and his sister talking she feels horrible and thinks she shouldn't be around anymore. She goes to this other pets house and gets caught. -
Penn and Ella run away
Ella is chained up and Penn loves her so he unchains her, se getd her tracking device out og behind her ear and then they leave going toward Canada.