Marco Polo Bridge Incident
The Marco Polo Brige Incident was a battle between the Republic of China and the Imperial japanese Army. -
The Anschluss
Hitler wanted all German speaking nations in Europe to become part of Germany. To be ale to do this, Hitler he has designs on reuniting Germany to his native homeland, Austria. -
The Munich Conference
It was en event where Nazi Germany's annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia were permitter to settle along the country's borders mainly inhabited by German speakers. -
Kistallnacht pogrom begins
In Germany, Jewsish shops and synagougues are smashed, looted, burned and destroy throughout the country. This shows that Hitler desire more and more power every time. -
The Nazi Soviet Pact
When Nazi Germany and Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi soviet Pact. The pact guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other. -
Danzig and the Polish Corridor
When the Germans of Danzig disliked the separation from Germany. They wolcomed the return of German power over the city following a coup led by the Dazig Gauleiter, Albert Forster. On September 1, the German battleship Schleswig-Holstein, arrived to support the German takeover, the battleship firing a few rounds at nearby Poles. It was the opening of World War II -
In September 1, 1939 Germany invaded polan and this led Britain and France to declare war to Hitle's Nazi state in retaliation. Hitler desire war and to have more countries to become part of Autria.