Hitler Takes Control
Hitler became popular by creating a rebellion that failed and thats how his name got out. He was chancellor for Germany in 1933 -
Great Depression
The main down fall in history. Great Depression is the main thing that lead to WW2 -
Jews isolated from the Society
The most infamous of the anti-Jewish legislation were the Nuremberg Laws. -
Japan invades China
Japan's main goal durring WW2 was not only to defeat other countries but to conquer China (Indochina, Manchura) -
Japan Continues To Move Forward
Japan continues its conquest of China by occupying Hainan Island of the Southern coast. -
Germany invades France, Belgium, and the Netherlands -
Japan invades the Pacific Islands
Japan invaded China and the other Pacific Islands for two reasons. 1. To get resources. 2. To let the United States know that they were coming. (Not quite sure the Date in September but its around the 14-15 area) -
Japan's Desicion
Japan was planning for an attack, Americans were preparing to defend American property. They were On there way to destroy the Middle Passage and they had to decide to either take down the ships (american) or take down the Island. -
Peral Harbor
Pearl Harbor was attacked and that caused the United States to enter World War 2 -
Japans Plan
They planed on Bombing Peral Harbor and they succeeded but had 2 main flaws. 1. They didnt hit the gas supply. 2. They missed some of the boats.