People Power Revolution

By ZamoraN
  • Marcos Elected President

    Marcos Elected President
    On December of 1965, Ferdinand Marcos won the elections. He won this in a fair manner. During his speech, Marcos promised to make the nation a better nation. Also. he strengthened foreign relations with several countries, mainly the USA.
  • Marcos Re-election

    Marcos Re-election
    Four years after taking office, Ferdinand Marcos was once again re-elected as the President of the Philippines. He gained 60% of the votes, with his party, the Nationalist Party. Alongside Marcos was the also re-elected Vice-President of the Philippines, Fernando Lopez.
  • Period: to

    First Quarter Storm

  • Battle of Mendiola

    Battle of Mendiola
  • First Constitutional Convention

    First Constitutional Convention
    During the First Constitutional Convention, Marcos tried to convert the Philippines from a democratic to parliamentary for the first time. Unfortunately, not enough people supported him, and so they turned down his request.
  • Bombing in Plaza Miranda

    Bombing in Plaza Miranda
  • Declaration of Martial Law

    Declaration of Martial Law
    On September 23rd 1972, Marcos was broadcasted live on television as he declared Martial Law upon the Philippines.
  • Arrest of Ninoy Aquino / Jose Diokno

    Arrest of Ninoy Aquino / Jose Diokno
    Shortly after the declaration of Martial Law, Ninoy Aquino and Jose Diokno were arrested. These two people were the main opositions of Marcos, therefore sent to jail.
  • Marcos Constitution Ratified

    Marcos Constitution Ratified
    Marcos held another constitution mod January. His plan was to turn the Philippines from a democratic country into a parliamentary. This is because with the parliamentary system, he can stay into power as long as he wants.
  • LABAN Party Founding

    LABAN Party Founding
    A new party has been founded called the Laban Party. This party was headed by Ninoy Aquino. He was in jail during the creation of this new party.
  • Noise Barrage

    Noise Barrage
    This form of protest was done the day before elections. Filipino citizens used objects and along with their own voices to create loud and not so pleasing noise.
  • Aquino Heart Attack / Sent to the US

    Aquino Heart Attack / Sent to the US
    Ninoy Aquino suffered a serious heart attack and was rushed to a hospital in the Philippines. After a few hours of discussing, Aquino decided it was best if he moved to the US for a better recovery.
  • Marcos Elections (boycotted by opposition)

    Marcos Elections (boycotted by opposition)
    Marcos held elections mid June. The opposition side boycotted due to the fact that they knew that the elections we rigged and unfair. Ulitimately, they decided to boycott, because there was no use in joinging an infair competition.
  • Aquino Assassination

    Aquino Assassination
    Ninoy Aquino decided to go back to the Philippines becuase he knew that Marcos grew very ill. As the plane landed in the Philippines, Aquino stepped out of the plane and was instantly shot. Till this day people still don't know who sent policemen to shoot him.
  • Period: to

    Confetti Revolution

  • Marcos Calls for Snap Elections

    Marcos Calls for Snap Elections
    Months after Aquino's death, Marcos called for snap elections. This was because the US wanted Marcos to hold elections, and he did just that. Each party had 60 days to campaign, but the results showed the opposition side winning, but the officials declared Marcos winner.
  • Ramos and Enrile Defection

    Ramos and Enrile Defection
    Fidel Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile decided to defect. This means that they no longer suport and work for Marcos.
  • Period: to

    EDSA Uprising

  • Marcos' Family Flees the Philippines

    Marcos' Family Flees the Philippines
  • Marcos is Overthrown

    Marcos is Overthrown