Daniel Webster
Created a standard dictionary -
Charles Finney
the most famous revivalist of the Second Great Awakening
He did not merely lead revivals; he actively marketed, promoted and packaged them. -
William Lloyd Garrison
wrote the liberator that were influential in the abolitionist newspapers. -
cyrus McCormick
invented the first commercially successful mechanical reaper in 1831 -
John Deere
Allowed for more efficient farming by creating the steel plow. in 1837 -
Horace Mann
Advocated for public school reform -
Samuel morse
Is best remembered today for his invention of single-wire telegraph system and the co-inventor of the Morse code -
Frederick Douglas
Abolitionist published his first autobiography as an american slave -
Henry David Thoreau
Wrote the civil disobedience -
elizabeth cady staton
held the first womans rights convention at seneca falls . -
Isaac Singer
Invented an affordable sewing machine for use in the home. -
sojourner truth
women rghts convention -
susan B. anthony
establiished the womens new yor state temperance society -
Dorothea Dix
established mental asylums.