
Changes for Education

  • Diana v. California State Board of Education

    Diana v. California State Board of Education
    The state of California discriminated against nine Spanish speaking children disguising them as mildly disable based on the lack of speaking and understanding English language. The case was sorted out ending in children need to be testing in their primary language to determine IQ testing results.This court cases helped children who do not speak English. Many school have now made learning different languages a priority.
  • Penn. Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    Penn. Association for Retarded Children v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    The state of Pennsylvania did not provide education for children with physical or mental handicaps. This court case "set the stage for the national special education law" (Cheatham, 2011). The state was being accused of neglecting to give these children a proper education as stated in federal law. The judge ruled in favor of the defendents. Without the court case, many children could still be receiving improper education. Penn. needed to follow to laws of providing education to all students.
  • Mills v. Board of Education

    Mills v. Board of Education
    Over 18,00 children were being denied a proper education based on disabilities in Washington D.C. Students and parents were also being denied their right to due process. The case was ruled with all children being provided a proper education and due process needs to be present and used. This case was the key to due process and parent involvement. The 14th Amendment protects those rights. All children should be given a chance to receive education, even if they cannot understand their rights.