
  • Invention

    It was discovered by Ernest Duchesne, but his work was unnoticed. That´s why we think the invsention was from Alexarder Fleming who was studing taphylococcus bacteria.
  • Clinical development and large-scale production

    Howard Florey and Ernst Chain along with their team at the University of Oxford: During the 1940s, these scientists developed methods to purify and produce penicillin in quantities sufficient for clinical use. His work was crucial in the transformation of Fleming's discovery into an effective treatment against bacteria.
  • Renewed Interest

    Ernst Boris Chain, Howard Florey, and their team at the University of Oxford began revisiting Fleming’s work. Florey and Chain recognized penicillin’s potential as a bactericidal agent and began experiments to extract and stabilize it.
  • Purification and production

    Howard Florey, Ernst Boris Chain and Norman Heatley they purified penicillin and developed a method for its mass production. Moreover, they verify their effectiveness in bacterial infections in humans and animals.
  • When was the first time it was used?

    When was the first time it was used?
    The first time it was used was in St. Mary's Hospital in London. That discovery reduces the numbers of dead and makes the possibility to make others antibiotics such as amoxicillin.
  • When does the penicillin started to be for all the world?

    It first started during 1942 but it was large scale production during the World War II in 1942.
  • Has anyone won a prize for penicillin?

    It was a novel prize won by Fleming, Florey, and Chain for contribution to create penicillin.