SAT created
This test was developed to assess a student's readiness for college. https://www.history.com/tag/education -
IQ Testing
A test designed that calculates scores based on how far from the average subject's score another subject score's is. http://www.homeofbob.com/pedagogy/timeline.html -
Brown v. Board Education
A law that made segregated schools illegal. https://www.americanboard.org/blog/11-facts-about-the-history-of-education-in-america/ -
First Computer put in School
First computer was used in an elementary school to teach arithmetic.
https://www.raceforward.org/research/reports/historical-timeline-public-education-us -
Handheld Calculator Used
First handheld calculator was used in a classroom. http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
Scantron Test
Scantron test was created so teachers didn't have to grade tests by hand.
https://www.raceforward.org/research/reports/historical-timeline-public-education-us -
The whiteboard started getting popular, because students were getting allergic to chalk boards. https://www.history.com/tag/education -
Higher Education Act
This is an act that requires institutions and states to release report cards on teachers education performance. http://www.eds-resources.com/educationhistorytimeline.html -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind is a law that mandates schools of children's educational experience, and that they get the help that they need, and don't slip in the cracks of education. This law punishes schools that don't follow the law. https://www.raceforward.org/research/reports/historical-timeline-public-education-us -
Common Core
The common core state standards are to show K-12 students what they should know by the end of the year. http://www.homeofbob.com/pedagogy/timeline.html