Got my aprentice hunting liscense
I got my aprentice hunting liscense so now i can shoot a gung and go hunting with my dad or brother -
I started Grade 9
I started my first day of high school -
Went to my first interview
I went to work for my dad at Mr. Transmission -
I got my first Job
I got my first job at the township -
I completed my volunteer work
I volunteered at the snowmobile club i put in snowmobile trail all over the place -
I got my full hunting liscence
I got my full hunting liscense so now I can hunt by myself -
I started grade 10
I started my second year of high school -
I got a car
i got a 47 chevy buissnessman coupe -
I shot a moose
i went up north with my dad and shot a moose -
I got a dog
I got a dog, it is a basset hound named Daisy -
I finished highschool
i finished high school now im looking at colleges -
I got my drivers liscence
I got my drivers liscence at the age of 17 -
I started college
I went to guelph for landscaping -
I moved out
I moved out of the house and bought my own house -
I bought a house
I bought a house in shedden