
Peckius (Publications and Student Notes)

  • 1529


  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    Council of Trent

  • 1553

    Became doctor utriusque iuris

    Degree obtained in the University of Leuven
  • Period: 1555 to 1562

    Teaching the Paratitla Chair

    He substituted Joachim Hopperus in this chair of exposition of the titles of the Corpus Iuris Civilis
  • Period: 1562 to 1582

    Teaching as ordinarius of Canon Law

  • 1564

    Work: Commentarium ad regulas juris canoninici libri VI

    Aprox. date of first publ.
    Location: Leuven
  • 1573

    Work: De sacrosancties et catholicis Chisti ecclesiis reparandis ac reficiendis

    Aprox. date.
  • Period: 1575 to 1577

    Student Notes (ms. 22153)

    General aprox. period of writing.
  • 1582

    Appointed Advisor (Council of Malines)

  • Death

  • Work: De continentia clericorum

    Aprox date of first publication. *This particular one has brought me some question. Different reports on when it is indeed from - difference of sources. To better check afterwards. Location: Leuven