Pearl Harbor Timeline - Derek Hensley

  • Warning

    The military leaders at Pearl Harbor were warned to watch out for possible sabotage.
  • Coded Message

    The Japanese government sent a message to Washington, D.C. The first part of the message indicated that Japan would reject U.S.demands.
  • Japenese Attacl Peal Harbor

    At 6:00 A.M. the first wave of Japanese planes takes off and at 6:30 A.M. the second wave of planes takes off. The attack begins at 7:55 A.M. The attack is over by 9:45 A.M. with 21 ships sunk or damaged.
  • 2nd Coded Message

    The second part of the Japanese message told the Japanese diplomats to break off negotiations with the United States at 1:00 A.M, which meant that war would then be delcared.
  • War

    The United States then declared war on Japan.
  • More Attacks

    Japan then attacks the Philippines, Midway, Wake, Guam, the Hong Kong islands, and the counties of Malaya and Siam.
  • More War

    After Germany and Italy declare war on the United States, the United States declared war on them.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Roosevelt ordered the evacuation of Japanese Americans and they are put in internment camps until after the war.