Pearl Harbor Events

  • Japan Invades China and Indochina

  • US Embargo on Japan

    US Embargo on Japan
    Due to Japan invading China and Indochina, the U.S decided to place an embargo on them.
  • Radar Picks Up Planes by Pearl Harbor 7:02

    Radar Picks Up Planes by Pearl Harbor 7:02
    The radar had picked up planes but it was ignored due to the fact that there was B17 Bombers coming in from San Francisco
  • Japan Attacks 7:55 - 8:25

    Japan Attacks 7:55 - 8:25
    Japan attacks Pearl Harbor with torpedo planes and Dive Bombers
  • Japan Meeting With the U.S

    Japan Meeting With the U.S
    Japan and the U.S have a meeting to discuss the terms of the embargo.
  • Japan Stops Attacking 8:25

    Japan stops attacking Pearl Harbor as a way to bait out people, making them think it's safe.
  • Japan Strikes Again

    Japan Strikes Again
    Japan sends in a second wave, this one being the last.