battle of stalingrad

  • Germany Invades Soviet Union

    German troops invaded the Soviet Union.
  • Battle Begins

    Battle Begins
    The Battle of Stalingrad begins. The Luftwaffe aircraft begins bombing the city.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Stalingrad

  • Stalin Order

    Stalin ordered that the defenders at Stalingrad will take "Not One Step Back". He declared that no one will evacuate the city.
  • Panzer Column

    The Panzer column (a unit of tanks protected and supported by other vehicles) reaches the Volga river.
  • Ground Attacks

    Germany begins attacking Stalingrad from the ground.
  • Operation Uranus

    The Red Army put Operation Uranus (an operation to form a circle around the opponent) under effect. This was in an attempt to circle the German 6th Army
  • Operation Complete

    Operation Complete
    The Red Army complete Operation Uranus and completely encircle the German Army, trapping roughly 290,000 of the Axis troops.
  • Attempt to Relieve

    German Field Marshal von Manstein launches an attack to try and relieve the German Army trapped in Stalingrad. The German attack gets halted by the Soviets.
  • Germans Surrender

    Germans Surrender
    The German troop that are trapped at Stalingrad surrender to the Soviets.