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Pearl Harbor

  • Black Ships open Japan

    The US and Japanese trading. The black ships created an open trading system between the two
  • Japanese strong nation

    Japan was working on their nation to make one super power. Stronger, larger, and a more advanced nation
  • US is the power house of the pacific

    In 1898 the US became a power house, they had a war against Spain and won, which resulted in the US taking over everything in Spain's possession.
  • The Great Depression

    This was a time where the economic system in the US was a major problem, and many families were struggling to get by. Shortage of everything because of WW1
  • China in flames

    War between China and Japan, japan got the better of the battle, and China suffered many losses. Japan started to take over China.
  • Tripartite Pact

    A Pact that would help japan in aid, because of a possible conflict with the US, also to help them through the war. Japan couldn't do it on it's own and needed Europe's aid in the war and also planning an invasion in Asia.
  • War Warning

    The warning of war between the US and Japan. The leader of Japan, Tojo, was ready to go to war with any powerhouse and was said to be fearless. Japan set out to make bases in places like the Philippines.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, killing many US citizens and destroying many planes and ships. Us declares war on Japan.