Pearl harbor

Pearl Harbor

  • Japan's Journey

    Japan's Journey
    Japanese army left Etorofu Island, where they are based, and started heading across the Pacific ocean. They brought aircraft carriers, destroyers, battleships, heavy cruisers, light cruisers, and submarines but they were as easy to get across the pacific without people noticing.
  • Approval of war

    Approval of war
    Hirohito approved that Japan could dclare war on the United States, Great Brittain, and Holland. They wanted to do a surprise attack on US pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.
  • Roosevelt, Hull, and Stark

    Roosevelt, Hull, and Stark
    FDR meet with Hull and Stark which didn't help him in preventing mutiny. The Washington post said "President Roosevelt yesterday assumed direct command of diplomatic and military moves relating to Japan".
  • Message erased

    Message erased
    There was a message that got to the East Coast station that said there was war that was going to be starting. They wanted the message to disappear and for any messages like that to be put into classified documents, so no one could see them or know about them.
  • Peace

    President Roosevelt tried to get peace between Japan and U.S. but there was no reply. Later that day they got part of the message about Japan attacking Pearl Harbor.
  • Message

    U.S. Intelligence decoded the rest of a message saying that Sunday was the deadline on Japanese taking action. It got to Washington by 9 a.m., 4 hours before Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Message reached Pearl Harbor after they had already started to attack.
  • Begining of Attack

    Begining of Attack
    At 0755 Hawaiian time, the Japanese started to attack Pearl Harbor. They didn't only attack Pearl Harbor, they also attacked air stations Hickam, Wheeler, Ford Island, Kaneohe, and Ewa Field.
  • Attack Continued

    Attack Continued
    The attack continued for two hours and twenty minutes and more than 2,400 Americans were killed and 1,200 were wounded. There were 8 ships that were damaged or sunken, and 300 aircrafts damaged or destroyed.
  • President Roosevelt

    President Roosevelt
    President Roosevelt asked Congress to Declare war on Japan and the gave permission. All Americans were shocked at what happened and that led to America entering World War II.
  • War declared on US

    War declared on US
    Italy and Germany declared war on the US even though they didn't have to. Congress immediately responded and the US was soon fully involved in World War II.