The 13th Amendment
This is the first amendment passed towards black people. It is to free all blacks from slavery. -
The 14th Amendment
the second amendment towards blacks and other people of diffrent races. It is to grant anybody born in the US citizenship. -
The 15th Amendment
This was the third amendment towards people of other races. -
The KKK was founded
The kkk ( Klu Klux Klan) is a white supremacist group. they were against the black rights and would harm blacks. -
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world war one
this was the first of two major wars including the U.S. -
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Martin Luther King jr
Martin Luther King was a black man who was an activist towards segregation. He gave a preach on the Lincoln monument. he was then later assassinated, because of how powerful his words were. -
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word war two
This was the second of the two major wars including the U.S and Germany. -
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Civil rights movement started
Emmett Till lynch
This was a 14y/o boy who was beaten to death, for allegedly whistling and a white woman. but then later the woman confessed that he had never whistled at her. -
I have a Dream Speech
this was a speech by Martin Luther King jr. It was on the Lincoln monument, there were over 250,000 people, including John F Kennedy.