
PC Inventions

  • USB Flash Drive

    USB Flash Drive
    Amir Ban, Dov Moran, and Oron Ogdan created the first USB flash drive and was granted a patent. This allowed files to be stored and portable while respecting a users privacy. Very important and still used world-wide to this day.
  • Windos XP & Mac OS X Release

    Windos XP & Mac OS X Release
    Both of these operating systems were released this year and were very important for computers and technology. Windows XP was used up until very recently. Mac OS X was created by Steve Jobs and Apple. Windows XP was created by Microsoft.
  • Myspace Created

    Myspace Created
    Myspace officially created by Tom Anderson. This revolutionized social networking and allowed for many more innovative and new social networking platforms we have today. They eventually lost value and members due to innovation and more social networking sites going to market.
  • First 1TB HDD

    First 1TB HDD
    First 1TB Hard Disk Drive invented. Created by IBM and used for mass storage which was revolutionary.
  • Macbook Air Release

    Macbook Air Release
    Macbook Air released which was a really thin and light laptop with longer battery capabilities. First large-scale SSD. Created by Apple and Steve Jobs.