Payton Life

  • I WAS BORN!!

    I WAS BORN!!
    I was born at Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids, MI. I was born on November 23rd, 2004 at 9:09 am. I weighed 7 pounds 2 ounces and was 19 inches tall.
  • Started walking for the first time

    Started walking for the first time
    I took my first steps when I was 12 months old. Just my mom saw me take my first steps in our first house.
  • My little Brother was born

    My little Brother was born
    When I was 1, my little brother was born. My parents said I was jealous when he was born and mean to him. Although he annoys me most of the time, we are pretty close and he's a great brother
  • Started talking for the first time

    Started talking for the first time
    When I was 2, I started talking for the first time. My first word was momma and mom and dad were both there.
  • Met my Best Friend Addy

    Met my Best Friend Addy
    When I was 3 years old, I met my current best friend Addy in pre-k. I don't remember much from meeting her but we have been best friends ever since and we know each other better than anyone else.
  • Went to Christmas parade

    Went to Christmas parade
    My dad loved to take me and my brother to parades when we were younger and this one was a Christmas parade when I was 4
  • Started playing soccer

    Started playing soccer
    When I was 5, I started ayso soccer and I loved it. It was the first sport I played and I've been playing ever since.
  • Moved houses and schools

    Moved houses and schools
    I was 6 years old when we moved into our current home and I switched elementary schools to Brown and met all new people. I started first grade in this home and school.
  • Watched fireworks on 4th of July

    Watched fireworks on 4th of July
    When I was 7, My family and I watched fireworks on the 4th of July. This is something we do almost every year and it's important to my parents to spend this holiday together watching fireworks.
  • Went to Disneyland for the first time

    Went to Disneyland for the first time
    When I was 8, my family had our first to Disneyland and we took the trip during my birthday and it was super cool.
  • Got braces for the first time

    Got braces for the first time
    I got braces when I was 9 years old, in 3rd grade. My teeth were really bad and the dentist suggested I get them, but they payed off in the end.
  • Rescued Cooper

    Rescued Cooper
    When I was 10, I begged my parents to get a dog and they finally let us go look at some to rescue. Of course, we got Cooper the first day we visited and it was the best decision we've ever made as a family in my opinion. He was so well-behaved and the nicest dog to have especially as a kid.
  • Went to the Michigan game and saw the big house for the first time

    Went to the Michigan game and saw the big house for the first time
    When I was 11, I got to go to my first Michigan game with my family and see the big house. My dad is a huge Michigan fan and we got all dressed up in our gear and the stadium was enormous.
  • Went to New York for the first time

    Went to New York for the first time
    When I was 12, I got the experience of going to New York for the first time with my family and it was one of the coolest places ever. We visited the 9/11 memorial and lots of other places and I would love to go back.
  • Got my cat

    Got my cat
    At 13 years old, my family got our cat from some people who's cat had babies and they needed to give them away. I got to name our cat and she still sleeps with me every night
  • Went on my first cruise

    Went on my first cruise
    When I was 14, my family and I were able to go on a cruise for spring break and it was my first time. It was a great family trip but I got extremely burnt
  • Started High-School

    Started High-School
    At 15, I started my freshman year of high-school and I remember being so scared of all the upperclassmen and getting lost in the school.
  • Got my license

    Got my license
    After failing my road test twice, I finally passed and got my license. It was one of the best days and I remember being so happy and excited.
  • Cooper dies

    Cooper dies
    This year about a month ago, my dog passed away due to cancer in his leg that spread to his lungs. My friends and family members came over to say bye to him and I got to take him for one last ride in the car. It was a super sad day and I feel so lucky to be able to have had such a great companion to grow up with