Payton Dodgson's Life Story

  • I was born!

    I was born!
    I was 9lbs 10oz, and I was 21in when I was born. I was also born on a Friday morning.
  • 1 year old: I took my first steps.

    1 year old: I took my first steps.
    I started walking when I was pretty young because, like I said before, I tried to get moving quickly.
  • 0-1 years old: I started crawling.

    0-1 years old: I started crawling.
    I started crawling pretty early on because apparently, I loved to get around.
  • 2 years old: Went on my first train ride.

    2 years old: Went on my first train ride.
    We were riding the train in the fall and it was my first time ever riding one.
  • 3 years old: I had my first dentist appointment.

    3 years old: I had my first dentist appointment.
    My very first dentist appointment went well and I had no cavities.
  • 4 years old: My intestines inverted and I almost went septic.

    4 years old: My intestines inverted and I almost went septic.
    I was at a relative's wedding in Iowa when my stomach started hurting really bad. We were on our way home and stopped at the hospital and they had to do a lot of things (not surgery) to help clear up my stomach.
  • 5 years old: I started young 5's.

    5 years old: I started young 5's.
    I remember being very scared but also excited to start my first day of school. I was just scared to be away from my parents.
  • 6 years old: I learned how to ride a bike.

    6 years old: I learned how to ride a bike.
    It took me quite a bit of time, but I finally started to find my balance and get the hang of riding a bike without training wheels.
  • 7 years old: I went to Great Wolf Lodge with my cousins.

    7 years old: I went to Great Wolf Lodge with my cousins.
    We went to Great Wolf Lodge a lot as kids, but this time was extra fun because my cousins came with us.
  • 8 years old: My family went to Universal and Disney for the 1st time.

    8 years old: My family went to Universal and Disney for the 1st time.
    Going around Disney and Universal was so fun and meeting all of the princesses was probably my favorite part at the time.
  • 9 years old: I broke my thumbnail at softball.

    9 years old: I broke my thumbnail at softball.
    I was hitting for softball and I went to swing and the ball hit my thumb. The nail eventually broke off and a new nail grew back.
  • 10 years old: I won my little league tournament.

    10 years old: I won my little league tournament.
    We worked super hard for this moment and I remember it being a super close game. We were so relieved and happy when we won.
  • 11 years old: My sister, mom, and I did the color run.

    11 years old: My sister, mom, and I did the color run.
    The color run was super fun but super tiring. It was cool getting all of the accessories and being covered in a bunch of colors.
  • 12 years old: My parents got a divorce.

    12 years old: My parents got a divorce.
    We never saw it coming so it was very strange to go through this period of my life and not seeing them together almost every day.
  • 14 years old: I moved from my childhood home.

    14 years old: I moved from my childhood home.
    I had lived in that house for my entire life and my best friends were my neighbors. It was super sad to move away from them and not be able to see them every day.
  • 13 years old: We got a dog (Max).

    13 years old: We got a dog (Max).
    My step-mom had a dog before moving in, and now that she's moved in, we have one too.
  • The COVID lock down occurred.

    The COVID lock down occurred.
  • 15 years old: I started high school.

    15 years old: I started high school.
    I was officially a highschooler now and this was my first dance (homecoming).
  • The capitol got stormed.

    The capitol got stormed.
  • Russia invades Ukraine.

    Russia invades Ukraine.
  • 16 years old: I got my license/car.

    16 years old: I got my license/car.
    It was so scary driving by myself for the first time but it was also so exciting.
  • 17 years old: I went to Cedar Point for the first time.

    17 years old: I went to Cedar Point for the first time.
    I love roller coasters and we went on almost every single one there. The car ride there and back was also super fun.