Fergus and Danny Watts (SAS traitors) were currently hiding in Spain. The MI6 (or Brittish Intelligence) trapped their house with a semtex gernade to kill them. They safely got out and are now back in London. -
Rising Action
Fergus goes to find Kev Newman who was a person in his Regiment. They go to him to see if he knows if there is anywhere that he could show the proof of his innocence.While Fergus was taling to Kev Newman at the gold course, Danny saw George Finchman's team of MI6 field agents with weapons. Unfortunatly, Big Kev gets shot and dies and Fergus gets shot in the leg. -
Rising Action
Danny drives away safely with Fergus to an old work site in a mountain. Fergus cant walk with the bullet in his leg so he asks for Elena to come with first-aid supplies and food. When she comes, she shows up with her father. Since her father wouldn't stay out in a mountain, they moved into a house on a construction site next to MI6. -
Rising Action
Elena has hacked into places before, so this time she goes back to her internet friend Black Star, and one again he somehow helps her get into the MI6 website to fake an ID card for Danny. Soon after they arive at the house, they make Danny sneak into MI6 to get the proof of Fergus's innocence. Inside MI6 George Finchman is earasing all of his background before he bails the country and luckily, Finchman doesn't notice Danny. -
Danny, Fergus, and Elena are cornered in the back of the shed by Marcie Dereraux and George Finchman. Finchman tries to escape but Fergus uses his explosive and kills him. Unfortunatly, the explosive has a bad impact on everyone in the room. -
Falling Action
The MI6 rescue deparment comes to the blown up house and takes everyone to the hospital. -
Falling Action
Dudley, an undercover MI6 member, talks to Danny, Fergus, and Elena asking them if they want to help and work for MI6. -
They all accept the offer and are told their first objective. Terrorist attacks have been happening all over London and some evidence shows who is setting them up. Black Star. -
Indirect Characterization
Danny is very brave in some points of the book. Here is an example. "I can do it! I can get in the room and get out with what we need. If it's our only chance, then I've got to try" (McNabb 143). -
Indirect Characterization
Sometimes Danny is upset in the book. Here is an example, "Fergus made the mistake of asking Danny how the online conversation with Elena went. Danny merely grunted, 'It was crud.'"(McNabb 27) -
Direct Characterization
In the text it shows that even though Danny is brave, he's also angry. Here's an example, "Deal with it? That's your answer to everything. Something terrible happens, someone gets killed, and you say deal with it! Well I can't, not this time!"(McNabb 147). -
Direct Characterization
Here is a direct characterization of Danny, "A surge of jealousy swept through Danny's body and he felt his face flush with anger." (McNabb 19) This shows that he was jealous.