decides to go to the club
After much thought and persuasion not to go, Kitty decides that it is in her best interest to go to the club. At the club she begins to wonder if it is the best idea. -
Daxton buys Kitty
After an auction, Daxton pays for Kitty. While she is waiting, she hears shields in the hallway, always a bad sugn. Then he walks in, and asks her if she wants to be a VII. Of course, she says yes and then he takes her away. -
Kitty wakes up
As Kitty woke up, she was very confused as to what had just happened, but then she remember she was taken away by Daxton. She was in a strange room somewhere, and then she realized that she no longer looked like Kitty Doe, but now she looked like Lila Hart. -
Kitty meets Augusta
Augusta Hart is the Prime minister. However, this is not a fancy meeting, but a test to see in Kitty can look, speak, and act just like Lila Hart. -
Kitty's hunting experience
She went with Daxton on a trip to hunt, but she was really going to Elsewhere. Elsewhere is a place where important people hunt humans like game. Kitty sees her mother killed. Kitty already knew that she didnt like the Harts or the way that they ran the country, but after this experience she really didn't like them. -
The incident
Augusta is seriosly concerned for the safety of her family and the government has worked so hard to build up. The Blackcoats (a rebbelion group) have been blamed for the attack, and Kitty now knows that Celia and Lila were a part of it. -
Kitty sees Benjy
Kitty though Benjy was dead, and Benjy thought the same thing about Kitty. After meeting up again, Kitty really does have something to live for. -
Kitty meets Lila
Kitty thought that Lila was dead, since she was her clone, but now she knows that Lila is alive. In fact, everyone besides Knox (Lila/Kitty's fiance) thinks that she is dead. -
The choice between the Lila's
Celia had to decide who was her daughter, without speaking, just by the visual apearence. Celia chose the real Lila, and then she was shot (everyone thought she was dead) but it was just tranquilizer. Sonce Augusta wanted them both dead she then bombed Kitty. Both survived.