Paul's Timeline

By TucciP
  • Mayor

    In London, Ken Livingstone has became the first Mayor of London.
  • Governor

    In Puerto Rico Sila Calderon has became the first female Govenor in Puerto Rico.
  • Volcano

    In Democratic Republic of congo, Mount Nyiragongo erupted and killed 40,000 people.
  • Space shuttle

    Space shuttle
    Seven astronauts killed by falling space shuttle pieces.
  • Tsunami

    Under water an earth quake happened causing a tsunami.
  • Pope death

    Pope death
    While marking end of era John Paul 2 passed away.
  • Tornado

    In lowa city, lowa a tornando hit the city.
  • Massacre

    In Virginia tech 32 people were killed.
  • 47th president

    47th president
    Obama became 47th president.
  • Miracle on hudson river.

    Miracle on hudson river.
    A plane crashed in Hudson river.
  • Earthquake

    In Haiti an earth quake happened killing many people.
  • Osama found

    Osama found
    Osama Bin Laden was found in Pakistan.