born in new orleands -
wedding day
married Charles Dickson at age 20. there wedding was held in a new orlands hotel. -
has children? (estemated)
she gave birth to two children but they died in infancy -
Harpers Ferry was stoped
it was stoped by john brown -
First battle of bull run Confederate forces win
union halt robert E lee
husband died
husband died from an illness while serving in the Union. his name was Charles Dickson. -
sent behind enamy lines
she was sent behind confedrant lines -
she was arrested by Confederate General John Hunt Morgan -
recuted of an army detective
she was recuted by -
Ulysses S. Grant is commander of union
Battle of the crater
dig a hole 586 feet behind enamy lines and filled it with 8,000 lbs of gunpowder -
Pauline Cushman dies
she died of an overdose of morphine. she was given a full military burial
died at the age of 60