Paula pastor's TIMELINE

  • ten bombs in Madrid and kill 191 people

  • Paula's timeline

  • I was born on

  • I took my first step on

  • My firts day of kindergarten

  • Learn to read

  • My first job (papers,babysitting...)

  • Learned to swim good

  • Rode my bicycle

  • olympics games in pequin

  • air crash and die 154 pepole

  • Michael Jackson's det

  • definitive of the armed activity of eta

  • Lost my firts tooth

  • re Obama elections

  • First Latin Papa

  • a plane with 298 people on board falls

  • Other importan first times in my live,my first competixon in atletism

  • My first dog

  • bombing in Paris and die 137

  • north korea it does nuclear test and threat United States

  • fires in California

  • My first lite cousin