• Birth

    paul is born
  • Paul wants to go to war

    Paul wanys to go fight in the French and Indian War
  • Paul returns from war

    Paul returns from war
  • Paul Revere gets married

  • British start messing with America

  • Paul becomes the leader of the Sons of Liberty

  • The Boston Tea Party

  • Paul tells New York about the Tea Party

  • Paul returns home

  • English soldiers look like they will make war on America

  • Paul Revere runs around telling that the British are coming

  • English troops move into position

  • Dr. Joesph Warren sends for Revere

  • Revoultionary War occurs

  • Paul returns and starts a career as a bell maker

  • Paul has Grand Children

  • 33,787 people in Boston

    In 1810 there were 33,787 in Boston
  • Paul dies at 83