Hempl (2)

Carl Gustav Hempel

By Heat94
  • Born

    Born in Oranienburg, GE
  • Berlin Circle of Philosophers

    He and Rudolf Carnap began participating with the Berlin Circle
  • Received Doctoral Degree

    Received degree from the University of Berlin with a dissertation on probability theory " Contributions to the Logical Analysis of the Concept of Probability"
  • Tough Time to Come

    Moved to Belgium due to the anti-Semitic Nazi because of his wife's Jewish ancestry
  • Hempel & Oppenheim

    Hempel & Oppenheim
    The two co-authored the book Der Typusbegriff im Lichte der neuen Logik on typology and logic
  • Moving again

    Moving again
    Moved to the USA where he worked as Rudolf Carnap's assistant at the University of Chicago
  • The Raven Paradox

    The Raven Paradox
  • Death

    He sadly died at the age of 92 in Princeton, NJ