Ernst Mach (Feb 18, 1838 - Feb 19, 1916)

  • Life background

    Life background
    Ernst Mach was a Austrian physicist and philosopher who was a huge contributor to philosophy of science studies. He was originally a mathematics and physics professor and then slowly gained interests in psychology, more specifically into physiology of sensation. He later helped develop a stance on the philosophy of phenomenalism.
  • Philosophy of Phenomenalism

    Philosophy of Phenomenalism
    Mach had a very famous contribution to this philosophy. His philosophy of phenomenalism is the "an antirealist stance which regarded only sensations as real." Here is a video that explains what Phenomenalism is: Ernst Mach. Famous Scientists. (n.d.).
  • Ernst Mach's retirement

    Was a professor at the University of Vienna for inductive philosophy. About 2 years late, he experienced a stroke and had decided to retire. Although retired, he continued to write and publish books. Many scientists today are influenced currently by the views that he had.
  • Mach's Principle

    Mach's Principle
    Mach's Principle - "the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest and of a body in motion to continue in motion in the same direction" Einstein was influenced by Mach's theory and his ideals of how Inertia was applied, that he later gave the proper name for Mach's principle. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Ernst Mach. Encyclopædia Britannica.