Feyerabend was born in Vienna, Austria. "Son of a civil servant and a seamstress"(Preston, J., feyerabend, P.)
Preston, John, "Paul Feyerabend", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2016/entries/feyerabend/. -
Drafted into the German Arbeitsdienst
"Drafted into the Pioneer Corps of the German army. After basic training, volunteered for Officers' School"(Preston, J., Feyerabend, P.). -
First book published
The first book that he published was Against Method (Christian Wüthrich) here are some bolt point about the book;
1.Science is an essentially anarchistic enterprise: theoretical anarchism is more humanitarian and more likely to encourage progress than its law-and-order alternatives.
2.This is shown both by an examination of historical episodes and by an abstract analysis of the relation between idea and action. The only principle that does not inhibit progress is: anything goes. -
Interview wirh Feyerabend
Date of Death
He died in Geneva, Switzerland.