Paul feyerabend

Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)

  • Feyerabend Receives his Doctorates in Philosophy

    From serving in the German army for almost 3 years and receiving incredible awards while serving as an officer. Also, being shot while serving that caused spinal damage. Fast forward 6 years he received his doctorates. This highlights his pursuit and determination for success.
  • First full-time Academic Appointment

    This being the first time Feyerabend lectured on a subject he had never studied before, he had some assistance from Agassi. "His summary of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations appeared as a review of the book in The Philosophical Review".(Preston, John, "Paul Feyerabend", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2016 Edition), Edward N. Zalta ed.)
  • Two Early Important Papers

    “An Attempt at a Realistic Interpretation of Experience”, and “Complementarity”. In these 2 important papers written by Feyerabend, argues for positivism over scientific realist. Feyerabend was a huge advocate for the idea of thinking, just because something is saying you have to do something a certain way, doesn't mean you should. Science isn't a one way fits all thing.
  • Accepted a Permanent Position at University of California, Berkeley.

    Accepted a Permanent Position at University of California, Berkeley.
    Starts his career at the UC Berkeley
  • First Book

    First Book
    The appearance of Feyeraband's first book Against Method. This book took the stand that there is no scientific method. Great scientist are opportunists. Even to go against some of the common procedures in science. As one can imagine, this could caused a lot of criticism.