Paul (The reason I sometimes have a timespan over the same year, is because there is more room for me to type if I use timespan)
Paul is born in Tarsus
Period: 20 to 30
Paul studies Torah in Jerusalem with Gamaliel; becomes a Pharisee
Period: 30 to 33
Paul persecutes followers of Jesus of Nazareth in Jerusalem and Judea
Period: 33 to 36
Paul returns to Damascus to preach Jesus as Messiah
Period: 33 to 36
Paul is converted on the way to Damascus; spends three years in Arabia;
Paul flees Damascus because of persecution; visits Jerusalem and meets with the apostles
Period: 36 to 44
Paul preaches in Tarsus and surrounding region
Period: 44 to 46
Paul is invited by Barnabas to teach in Antioch
He visits Jerusalem to bring a famine relief offering
Paul visits Jerusalem to bring a famine relief offering
Period: 47 to 48
First missionary journey with Barnabas, to Cyprus and Galatia
Period: 47 to 48
First missionary journey with Barnabas
Period: 49 to 50
Second missionary journey with Silas, through Asia Minor and Greece; settles in Corinth; writes letters to Thessalonians
Period: 49 to 49
At the Council of Jerusalem, Paul argues successfully that Gentile Christians need not follow Jewish law;
Period: 49 to 49
returns to Antioch; confronts Peter over question of Jewish law
Period: 52 to 52
Visits Jerusalem and Antioch briefly; begins third missionary journey
The reason I keep doing time spans over the same year, Is that there is no room when use "add event" -
Period: 52 to 55
Stays in Ephesus; writes the letters to Galatians and Corinthians
Period: 55 to 57
Travels through Greece and possibly Illyricum (modern Yugoslavia); writes letter to Romans
Period: 57 to 58
Returns to Jerusalem and arrested; imprisoned at Caesarea
Period: 59 to 60
Appears before Festus and appeals to Caesar; voyage to Rome
Period: 60 to 62
Under house arrest at Rome; writes letters to Philippians, Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon
Period: 62 to 64
Released; journeys to Spain?; writes letters to Timothy and Titus
Returns to Rome; martyred during persecution