Australian coat of arms

Patty Monckton's 6Blue Federation

  • Sir Earl Grey proposes federation.

    Sir Earl Grey proposes federation.
    Sir Earl Grey proposes a loose colonial federation.
  • British colonies in Australia

    British colonies in Australia
    There were 6 British colonies in Australia. They could decide some things themselves, but the laws were made in Britain.
  • Aboriginal people excluded from census

    Aboriginal people excluded from census
    First Australia-wide census. Aboriginal people excluded
  • Preparing for Federation

    Preparing for Federation
    Federal Council formed to start preparing a constitution for federation
  • Sir Henry Parkes makes famous speech about federation

    Sir Henry Parkes makes famous speech about federation
    NSW Premier, Sir Henry Parkes makes a famous speech at Tenterfield in favour of federation.
  • Able to elect there own government

    Able to elect there own government
  • First draft constitution drawn up

    First draft constitution drawn up
    First draft constitution drawn up, which was a list of rules about how the nation's parliament will work. This was presented to the states.
  • People were allowed to vote if federation should take place

    People were allowed to vote if federation should take place
    Formation of the Australasian Federation League and the people of Australia vote to decide if federation should take place.
  • Constitution is sent to state parliaments

    Constitution is sent to state parliaments
    Final draft constitution is sent to the state parliaments. A federation bill is voted on – for or against.
  • People in colonies voted except QLD and WA on constitution

    People in colonies  voted except QLD and WA on constitution
    People in all the colonies except Qld and WA voted on the Constitution, but in NSW they did not agree to what was written and the vote failed.
  • Premiers met to amend the constitution

    Premiers met to amend the constitution
    Premiers met to amend the constitution to satisfy Qld and NSW. All colonies agree except WA.
  • The Queen signs Australian constitution

    The Queen signs Australian constitution
    Queen Victoria signs the Australian Constitution. WA votes yes.
  • New nation is born

    New nation is born
    The colonies become the Commonwealth of Australia and a new nation is born.