British North American Act
Set out the powers of the federal and provincial governments and guaranteed the language and education rights of Quebec's French-speaking majority. BNA Act fell under British jurisdiction, no changes could be made without British Parliament's approval. -
Statute of Westminster
Passed by British government. This formally turned the British Empire into the British Commonwealth. Canada and Britain's status' were now equal which entitled both to make it's own laws. -
Constitution Act
Signed by Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Trudeau outside the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa. Last step towards making Canada a completely independent nation had been taken. -
Constitution Act (amending formula)
Section 38 of the Constitution of Canada sets out the general amending formula for changes to the Constitution. This formula requires the approval of the Senate and House of Commons and of the legislative assemblies of at least twothirds of the provinces with at least 50% of the population of all provinces. -
Constitution Act (Charter of Rights and Freedoms)
Bill of rights entrenched in the Constitution of Canada. It forms the first part of the Constitution Act, 1982. Guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. -
Constitution Act ("Notwithingstanding clause"
Allows Parliament or provincial legislatures to override certain portions of the Charter. It was, and continues to be, perhaps the most controversial provision of the Charter. -
Meech Lake Accord
Prime Minister Mulroney called the premiers to a conference at Meech Lake, where it was proposed that a package of amendments to the Consitution. This Accord offered to recognize Quebec as a distinct society. Also proposed giving more power to other provinces. All provinces would have the power to veto constitutional change. But it had many critics and a big one was Trudeau, who argued the designation of Quebec as a distinct society would create "two solitudes" in Canada, -
Collapse of Meech Lake Accord
The Accord had many critics and Trudeau was the one with a bigger voice. He said that it would create "two solitudes" in Canada. It would simply isolate the Francophones of Quebec - it would make them less rather than more a part of Confederation. Other's disliked the "distinct-society" clause. Manitoba and Newfoundland withheld support; causing the Accord to disintegrate. Quebec felt humiliated. -
Failure of Charlottetown accord
Mulroney warned rejection would endanger the future of the nation. This Accord had many clauses, each designed to please different groups that it was easy to find fault. B.C, the fastest-growing province, had 68.3% voted “no.” Voters felt it gave Quebec too much power. Quebec voters believed that the Accord didn’t give them enough power because the Senate seats were given up to the West. It also feared the Aboriginal self-government, because it would affect a large part of northern Quebec. -
Charlottetown Accord
Anxious to avoid previous mistakes, Mulroney’s government appointed "Citizen's Forum" - a committee that travelled across the nation to hear the views of Canadians on the future of the Constitution. This Accord answered Quebec's concerns in ways similar to the Meech Lake Accord. This Accord proposed reforming the Senate, making it an elected body with equal representation from all parts of the country. Also supported Aboriginal self-government to draw the support of the First Nations. -
Parizeau called a provincial referendum on full sovereignty-separation of Quebec from the rest of Canada. 49.4% voted yes to sovereignty; 50.6% were “no.” PM Chretien sent the question of how Quebec might separate to the Supreme Court of Canada, he followed up on the court’s ruling with his controversial “clarity bill,” which set down in law, Ottawa’s insistence on a clear question in any future referendum and a substantial “yes” majority before Quebec exit from Confederation would be negotiated