Paths of Knowledge

By Mia1515
  • John Dalton 1808

    John Dalton 1808
    proposed that all things are made up of small particles called atoms that combine among them to create molecules
  • Charles Darwin 1859

    Charles Darwin 1859
    Publishes The Origen of Species, where he presents his theory of biological evolution by natural selection
  • Louis Pasteur 1861

    Louis Pasteur 1861
    conclusively refutes the theory of spontaneous generation
  • Gregor Mendel 1863

    Gregor Mendel 1863
    begins the study of the laws of genetic inheritance.
  • Marie Curie 1898

    Marie Curie 1898
    discovered the radioactive elements, radio and polonium, that would help in the medical progress.
  • Albert Einstein 1905

    Albert Einstein 1905
    publishes his theory of special relativity, the same year, he explains quantumly the photoelectric effect
  • Niels Bohr 1913

    Niels Bohr 1913
    presents his model of the atom
  • My Color TV 1940

    My Color TV 1940
    It was in 1940 when González Camarena was granted patent 40235 for color television, in Mexico and the United States.
  • James Watson and Francis Crick 1953

    James Watson and Francis Crick 1953
    discovered the double helix structure of DNA
  • Soviet Union 1957

    Soviet Union 1957
    Launched Sputnik 1, which was the first artificial satellite in the history
  • The Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong 1969

    The Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong 1969
    The Apollo 11 space craft lands on the moon and Neil Armstrong becomes the first human to walk on the moon.
  • Bill Gates and Paul Allen 1975

    Bill Gates and Paul Allen 1975
    Bill Gates and Paul Allen Establish Microsoft April 4, 1975.
  • The First Phone 1987

    The First Phone 1987
    The first cell phone small enough to fit into a pocket, is launched in Britain with a price tag of 2,500 pounds.
  • Sheep Dolly 1996

    Sheep Dolly 1996
    Sheep Dolly is cloned
  • Wifi 1997

    Wifi 1997
    Wi-Fi becomes available publicly.
  • The first Draft 2001

    The first Draft 2001
    The first draft of the human genome is completed.
  • Ipod 2001

    Ipod 2001
    Apple released the iPod, which became the most popular MP3 player in history leading to a disruptive and sweeping change in the music industry.
  • Facebook and Harvard 2004

    Facebook and Harvard 2004
    Facebook (limited to Harvard students only) started this year.
  • First Video on Youtube 2005

    First Video on Youtube 2005
    YouTube, the first video sharing site came online in 2005 and has grown to one of the most popular sites on the web. YouTube used more bandwidth in 2010 than the entire internet did in 2000.
  • Twitter? 2006

    Twitter? 2006
    Twitter, the micro blogging site opens with 140 characters maximum per message.
  • Nasa 2008

    Nasa 2008
    Nasa confirms the existence of water in the planet Mars
  • Ipad?? Tablet?? 2010

    Ipad?? Tablet?? 2010
    Apple introduced the iPad, another revolution in portable “tablet” computing.
  • The First Synthetic 'Life' 2010

    The First Synthetic 'Life' 2010
    Scientists blurred the line between natural and man-made in 2010 with the creation of the first-ever organism with a synthetic genome. Scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute assembled the genome of the bacterium Mycoplasma mycoides out of more than a million base pairs of DNA. Then, they inserted this human-engineered genome into another bacterium, Mycoplasma capricolum, which had been emptied of its DNA.
  • Oculus VR 2014

    Oculus VR 2014
    Facebook bought the Oculus VR company for $2 billion.
  • Gravitational Waves 2014

    Gravitational Waves 2014
    This evidence came in the form of gravitational waves, literal ripples in space-time left over from the first fraction of a second after the Big Bang. These ripples generated changes in the polarization in the cosmic microwave background, which is radiation left over from the early universe. The polarization changes are called B-modes. It was these B-modes that scientists detected using the Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization 2 (BICEP2) telescope in Antarctica.
  • Windows 10? 2015

    Windows 10? 2015
    Microsoft releases the operating system Windows 10.
  • Smart homes 2019

    Smart homes 2019
    Increasingly more of our lives are getting to be incorporated with smart tech. Our homes being no exemption. Demand for ever better brilliant home appliances and home entertainment systems are changing the manner in which we interact. Regardless of whether good or bad, today is only a glimpse of something larger.
  • Custom Cancer Vaccines 2019

    Custom Cancer Vaccines 2019
    Because of scientific advancements like the Human Genome Project, personalised medications and vaccines could be practically around the corner. One intriguing application for this is the likelihood of creating customized cancer vaccines. This may sound somewhat outlandish, yet it is trusted that medical experts could before long train your immune system to distinguish and wreck malignant growth cells. This, whenever accomplished, could make malignant growth a relic of past times.
  • Autonomous Driving 2020

    Autonomous Driving 2020
    With the maturing of autonomous driving technology, we will also increasingly hear about the measures that will be taken by regulators, legislators, and authorities. Changes to laws, existing infrastructure, and social attitudes are all likely to be required before autonomous driving becomes a practical reality for most of us. During 2020.
  • NASA's Perseverance rover to land on Mars 2021

    NASA's Perseverance rover to land on Mars 2021
    We have advanced it at the beginning. Launched on July 30, 2020, the Perserverance rover is scheduled to land in the Jezero crater of Mars on February 18, 2021. With a mass of more than 1,000 kilos, this rover will study the astrobiologically ancient environment of the neighboring red planet and its geological processes, among other things.