Path to Confederation 1850-1890

  • New Brunswick

    New Brunswick was politically split over Confederation in the mid 1860's. Albert J Smith who was a anti-Confederation politician had led his other fellow opponents of Confederation to a victory in the general election which happened in 1865.
  • Nova Scotia Elect Joseph Howe

    As the Premier of Nova Scotia, Joseph Howe had argued that electorate should make the decision of whether or not Nova Scotia should join Confederation. Even after 1867 Nova Scotia's interests did not match any of Canada's but Howe continued to battle about Nova Scotia revoking Confederation.
  • American Civil War

    The American Civil War fought Confederate states and Union states. The American Civil War started in early 1861 and ended in early 1865. The main purpose for the starting of the civil war was slavery. The Southern states wanted to become detached from the United States and the Southern states relied a lot on enslaved labors.
  • Newfoundland and Canada

    From 1864 to 1949 there was always a question on whether or not Newfoundland and Labrador should stay an independent political entity or if they should join the federation like all of the other British North America colonies. Newfoundland delegates then decided to attend the Quebec Conference and sign resolutions which later became the foundation to the British North American Act in 1867. It was not until 1949, that Newfoundland had become a Canadian province.
  • Great Coalition Formed

    The Great Coalition was formed on June 22 1864. Leader George Brown joined a coalition with George-Etienne Cartier's Bleus and John A. MacDonald's Conservatives. When the Confederation first started in Canada the ministers of the coalition were brought in on June 30.
  • The United States Purchase Alaska

    The United States got an agreement to be able to purchase Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. Alaska on October 18 1867 was then transferred to the United States through a treaty that was confirmed by the United States Senate. Alaska on January 3 1959 then became the 49th state that was in the Union.
  • Prince Edward Island

    Those who were living in Prince Edward Island had developed some strong trading ties with the United States and Britain. Some of their main industries were farming, shipbuilding and timber.