
Cassidy's Timeline

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  • I was BORN in Santa Monica, California.

    I was BORN in Santa Monica, California.
    I was BORN in Santa Monica, California.
  • I OPENED presents to celebrate my first Christmas

    I OPENED presents to celebrate my first Christmas
    I OPENED presents to celebrate my first Christmas
  • I CELEBRATED my 1st birthday

    I CELEBRATED my 1st birthday
    I CELEBRATED my 1st birthday
  • I VISITED my grandpa in Illinois, U.S.A.

    I VISITED my grandpa in Illinois, U.S.A.
    I VISITED my grandpa in Illinois, U.S.A.
  • I GOT my first dog and I NAMED him Elmo

    I GOT my first dog and I NAMED him Elmo
    I GOT my first dog and I NAMED him Elmo
  • I DRESSED up as an elephant for Halloween

    I DRESSED up as an elephant for Halloween
    I DRESSED up as an elephant for Halloween
  • My sister Kasey was BORN

    My sister Kasey was BORN
    My sister Kasey was BORN
  • I PLAYED on a softball team

    I PLAYED on a softball team
    I PLAYED on a softball team
  • I VISITED my family in Belize

    I VISITED my family in Belize
    I VISITED my family in Belize
  • My parents BOUGHT me a new car

    My parents BOUGHT me a new car
    My parents BOUGHT me a new car
  • My family ADOPTED our first cat

    My family ADOPTED our first cat
    My family ADOPTED our first cat
  • I TRAVELED to Greece

    I TRAVELED to Greece
    I TRAVELED to Greece
  • I GRADUATED from university

    I GRADUATED from university
    I GRADUATED from university