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Apple IPod
The IPod is a portable media player that had a good interface and gigabit capacity. This device ended up making Apple Inc a fortune. -
World's first cyborg
Kevin Warwick achieved a breakthrough in brain-computer interfaces(BCI). This experiment consisted of two stages. The first was putting 100 electrodes in his arm connected to his nerves system. The point of that was to manipulate a robotic hand just by nerve impulses. The second was direct, artificial connection between two humans. They used the internet which allowed that as the middle point for for him and his wife to send nerve signals back and forth from each other. -
IMac G4
This device replaced the IMac G3. New radical design of a 15'' LCD screen, which also moved on adjustable arm above the tray-loading optic drive. -
When MySpace came out it became the most popular social networking cites at this time.