Past of Atomic Theories

  • 322

    Aristotle (322 BCE)

    Aristotle (322 BCE)
    He believed that nothig on Earth was made of atoms, but instead made of either Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. Plato helped him come to this conclusion and was soon proved wrong.
  • 450

    Democritus (450 BCE)

    Democritus (450 BCE)
    He stated that atoms are eternal and so small that they cannot be divided. He thought an object had to stop breaking at one point. To descover this, he took a seashell and crushed it until it couldnt be crushed anymore. After this experiment he came to this conclusion that an atom existed.
  • Dalton

    Atoms that are of different elements and are joined cause chemical reactions. He believed atoms are indivisable and indestructable.
  • Thomson

    Atoms were made up of even smaller particles known as electrons. He added negative electrons that float in a "soup" of positive charge.
  • Rutherford

    His new model included a nucleus. He described the atom as tiny, dense, and positively charged.
  • Bohr

    Proposed that the electrons could only orbit the nucleus in certain orbits at different energy levels around the nucleus. "Theory ofthe Nucleus" which states that, " any charged particle moving on a curved path emits electromagnetic radiation; thus, the electrons would lose energy and spiral into the nucleus."
  • Heisenburg

    He thought that the electrn exisited as a particle. He did not experiment because the only experiment he wanted to try involved shining a light on the electrons, although this would not work because the electrons would move somewhere else.
  • Schrodinger

    Claimed that Eletrons were actually made up of waves. He said, "Electrons were not just a partile that exsisted at only one point at a time, but a smeared out wave that spread through all of spce and time."