past map - who am I?

  • My Birthday

    I was born on April 25, 2003.
  • Little Brother was Born

    Simon Michael Frans was born!
  • Moved into Current Home

  • Where the Wild Things Are Movie

    When I went to see this movie with my dad, my sister and I, we spent at least 20 minutes running around the parking lot after when it was raining as hard as I've ever experienced. We were so wet after that that when we got into the car, I remember hearing the seat feel like a wet towel I use after a shower.
  • First Father-Daughter Trip

    In 2013, my sister, my dad and I all flew down to California to go to Six Flags- and that is what started my love for roller coasters.
  • Switched Schools

    I made the switch from private to public school, and I could not be happier with that choice.
  • First Concert

    My first real concert- I saw Marylin Manson, Of Mice and Men, and Slipknot with my dad.
  • Day One of High School

    My first day of high school at Highline Big Picture High School.