By Rufless
  • Childhood

    My childhood stage was very nice and simple, I regularly ate vegetables, fruits and meats. My favorite hobbies were playing with friends at soccer and skill games. As for the music I loved the children's songs of the moment and I watched wrestling movies and cantinflas.
  • Period: to

    Elemental school

    It was a stage of many friends and learnings
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    My first girlfriend

    Its name says it, it is a beautiful time full of many experiences
  • Adolescence

    As a teenager, I had a stage of reveldia and changes, my favorite foods were soups, broths and meats. As for my hobbies were going out with my friends for a walk camping and fishing, as far as my music is concerned, rock in Spanish was my favorite and finally my favorite periculas were adventure and terror.
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    University time

    Here is an expectation and life project
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    First obligations in a job

    The activities begin to take shape and obligation
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    Marriage commitment

    Time of many projects and illusions
  • Youth

    The age of maturity, suffered important changes and commitments such as finishing a career, marriage, children, etc. Frequent foods have been normal such as cereals, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and meats. My hobbies are going out with my family for a walk, learning English, technology. My favorite music is still rock in Spanish and English and my genres of movies are all that leave you a good message or make a good time.