Friday (1 week away from good friday and 6 days away from the passover)
Jesus fled the teachers of the law and even thought he could fight them, he showed that he wanted God's will to be done by fleeing and waiting until the time God chose for him to come. -
Friday Jesus was anointed at Bethany
Jesus was anointed my Mary at Bethany. Mary anointed Jesus at bethany at home of simon the leper on Friday. -
Jesus eats with Simon the leper at Bethany. He visits him one last time. The teachers of the law mock him for eating with sinners. -
There is nothing recorded in the bible about Jesus during this time. We know he was at Bethany and he was observing the Sabbath day. Praying to God -
palm sunday
Jesus enters Jersulem with his deciples on a colt, he is praised and adored when he enteres in. The sam people would soon hate him. Jesus askes for a colt to ride on, the colts mother came with also but not important fact because Jesus rode on the colt only. This fulfills the Zechariah prophecy . -
jesus curses fig tree- curses all who do not give fruit
Jesus clears the temple
Jesus speaks of his death at the temple
Jesus goes back to Bethany
Weeps over Jerusalem- he knows what will happen to these people by the Romans
Weeps over Jerusalem -
Jesus is asked a trick question by the teachers of the law hoping to trick Jesus. Jesus answers perfactly. Judas grows hungry for money. -
chief priests plotted to kill him. Judas offered to sell Jesus to them. They have hated and wanted to kill Jesus for years but this is the first time they gather to go it and discuss how it will go down.
Leaves Bethany
Finds the fig tree withered; teaches on faith
Possesses the temple and its precincts; confounds and pronounces woes upon His enemies
Leaves city; Olivet Discourse on way back to Bethany
Judas bargains with Sanhedrin to betray Jesus
Spends the night in Bethany -
Jesus spent this day praying to God. Nothing is recorded but i would imagine that jesus would pray the whole day. -
Peter and John sent to make preparation for Passover meal
After sunset, eats meal with the twelve; washes disciples; Judas departs
Lord's Supper instituted
To Garden of Gethsemane; Jesus' agony
Betrayal by Judas; arrest by Sanhedrin- With a kiss
To house of High Priest as Sanhedrin is convened; Peter betrays Jesus
Spends much time praying,-finds deciples sleeping 3 times sleeping in the night -
Peter denies Jesus 3 times. Making what Jesus said will hapen come true. All deciples flee.
Jesus is praying in garden, finds deciples sleeping 3 times. In prayer Jesus asks God if there is any other way. And yet not my will but your will be done. Jesus is arrested and taken to The high priests father in law, jesus says nothing -
Peter denies Jesus 3 times. All deciples flee and abandon Jesus. Two deciples watch from a distance. -
Jesus gives judas a chance to repent and change his mind, Judas leaves the meal
Judas sells jesus for the 30 silver coins. He realises what he did was wrong, he tries to give back the money but whats done is done. Judas throws the money and runs off to be tempted by the devil -
Good friday
Jesus apeares on trial six different times.
First trial, before Annas [nightime hours]; Annas is looking for an accusation, biding time till Sanhedrin is gathered.
Second [primary] trial before Sanhedrin, Jesus is condemned, misused, spit on, mocked.Third trial, immediately at dawn [meanwhile, Peter denies Jesus a third time; Jesus looks upon him]; the condemnation repeated, then Jesus taken to Romans. People want death to him
Fourth trial before Pilate - HE FINDS NOTHING WRONG WITH JESUS -
Good friday 3
Jesus sayings on the cross included-
Father, forgive them..."
"Today you will be with me in paradise"
"Woman, behold thy son, son behold your mother"
"My God, My God why have you forsaken me"
"I thirst"
"It is finished"
the chief priests mock him and spit at him. -
good friday 4
on the cross things happened to show he was the son of God
About 3 pm; veil torn, rocks rent; some graves opened and people rise and go into the city
Jesus' side pierced
Passover lambs slain in temple
Jesus buried by sundown
darkness fell apaun the land from about 3 to when they took him down. -
good friday ( jesus dead on cross)
Jesus body is requested by Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea. They place his body in Joseph's tomb. -
Good friday part 2
Fifth trial before Herod [looks for miracle]
6th trial before Pilate
Jesus is scourged; the city cries, "Crucify Him or we will tell Rome!"
Jesus is finally turned over to be crucified
Jesus mocked (Roman soldiers); crown of thorns
Judas hangs himself
Jesus bears His cross to gate on north of city and is crucified around 9 am