
Passion Week Timeline Project

By broekle
  • Jesus arrives at Bethany; is annointed

    Mary anoints Jesus by washing his feet; Jesus has dinner with Simon and stays with Mary and Martha and Lazarus.
  • Period: to

    Chief Priests plot to kill Jesus

  • Sabbath/Day of Rest

    No recordings of what he did on this day, but Jesus most likely went to the temple and rested, in accordance with OT law.
  • Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem

    Jesus Rides Into Jerusalem
    He comes riding on a colt, the foal of a donkey; fullfilling prophesy from Zechariah 9:9. The people praise him and declare him to be the Messiah, the promised one.
  • Eventful Monday

    Jesus curses a Fig tree and all who do not bear fruit in his name. He also clears the temple for a second time.
  • Judas sells Jesus; Jesus tells parables

    Judas sells Jesus; Jesus tells parables
    It is believed that Judas went to the Chief Priests and received the money for selling Jesus to them on this day- Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver- the price of a household slave. On this day, Jesus also tells parables to those who follow him and test him (Matthew 22, Mark 12-14).
  • No Records

    There are no recordings in the Bible of what Jesus did this day; possibly rest, teachings, and prayer.
  • The Last Supper

    The Last Supper
    The first recording of this day is in the upper room- the Final Dinner (6 to 8/9pm). After the instution of the Lords Supper and Jesus' final ¨teachings¨ Jesus and his Disciples go to the Garden of Gesthemane to Pray(9 or 10 pm).
  • Garden of Gesthemane

    After Jesus gave His last lessons, around 10 pm, Jesus and His Disciples left for the Garden of Gesthemane. There Jesus prayed to God that there be another way for Him to carry out God's Will. Jesus hears Judas and the soldiers and goes to meet them, and is arrested.
  • Jesus Put on Trial

    Jesus Put on Trial
    First, he is tried by Annas, the father-in-law of the current High Priest; then to Caiphis, the High Priest, and few other members of the Sanhedrins.
  • Trial before Romans

    Trial before Romans
    Judas commits suicide. Jesus is brought before Pilate (and Herod) and it is decided that he be crucified. Jesus is flogged and then crucified. (around 6 am decision is made, after is flogging.)
  • Jesus Affixed

    At 9 AM Friday Morning, Jesus is nailed to the Cross and affixed for all to see.
  • Jesus death

    After hanging on the cross for about 6 hours Jesus says his last words and dies, around 3 pm. At the time of Jesus death, the sun stops shining, making it dark as night and the temple curtain splits in two. After his death, he is taken down from the cross by Joseph and Nicodemus and Jesus is burried in the tomb.
  • Holy Saturday

    Jesus body lay in the tomb; his followers hide in fear.
  • Easter Sunday

    Easter Sunday
    Jesus Rises from the grave, back to life.