Friday (Before Palm Sunday)
Jesus arrives at Bethany and stays at the house of Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. Later on he ate at Simon the Leper's house and was anointed by Mary, who was also at Simon's house together with Lazarus and Martha, with a very expensive perfume. -
Saturday (before Palm Sunday)
It is the day of rest and worship or also known as the Sabbath Day. Jesus stayed in Bethany. -
Palm Sunday
Jesus and his desciples leave Bethany. In one of the towns on their way to Jerusalem, Jesus sends two of his disciples to get a colt and its mother. Then Jesus makes a triumphant entry and enters Jerusalem riding on the colt, which fullfilled the prophecy of Zacharai. Palm branches and clothes were placed among the path for him to pass through on the colt. Jesus is looked at as the Messiah by the people, he rebukes the pharisees, Jesus weeps for Jerusalem, and
returns to Bethany. -
On Jesus' returning, he sees a fig tree and curses it. Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem and clears the Temple because he is mad that merchants are using His house as a place to sell and exchange things instead of worshipping him. Later, he performed miracles in the temple and he speaks about his death. Then he leaves the city and spends his time in Bethany. -
Jesus leaves to Bethany and they pass by the same fig tree, but find it withered. When he arrives at Jerusalem he enters the temple and is faced with many questions from the priests to try and trap him. Jesus responds back in parables. Jesus possesses the temple and pronounces missery upon His enemies and leaves the city. That same day Judas makes a bargain to betray Jesus. -
It is not recorded in the Bible and is known as the Silent Day. But there was probably the planning of Judas' betrayal and Jesus preparing for the Last Supper. -
Peter and John are sent to prepare the Passover meal and after the sunset, Jesus eats the meal with his disciples and washes their feet. The Lord's Supper is institued and later that day, maybe at night, Jesus and his disciples go to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus' agony is shown. -
Good Friday
Early that morning, Judas betrays Jesus and Jesus is arrested in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus goes through 6 trials, in which Peter denies Jesus in the third trial. In the final trial at around 6am the decision to crucify Jesus is made. They tortured,mocked,and crowned Jesus with a crown of thorns. That same day, Judas hangs himself. Jesus carries his cross to Golgotha where he is crucified and dies at 3pm.The soldiers pierce Jesus side to see if he was dead and by sundown Jesus is buried.